Part 2…Women…

Ok so here is the second part to “You made her that way” 

As I mentioned in the first part OWNERSHIP. Now, points as a woman you have to own the fact that this guy was never worth a damn. He wasn’t shit when you met him and he probably ain’t shit now. As a grown woman you make decisions in life. So if you decide to PUT UP with all that foolishness then why complain? You see you have the power to fix it. It’s not easier said than done just do it! How long are you going to be the victim of a “no good as man”. I mean come on …there are only so many ice cream sit downs you could have with your girls before somebody in the room decides enough is enough. You go through a lot and you have to understand that most of the things that happen in that relationship you allow access. It works both ways believe it or not.


Date! No I mean really date. Like actually take the time to learn who you are interested in. Ask yourself over and over again before you make that decision to move forward in that relationship. You see its an investment on both ends. forever is a long time. Take the time to learn your man(i mean really learn him) Learn everything there is to know about him. This way you have no big issues to fuss about later. Because you will fuss…however, how you operate when you’re mad determines the future of the relationship. You have to have a functioning relationship. You’re not going to always agree but at least you agree to disagree. Ask yourself why are you there and KNOW the answer. Look at whats in front of you and be REAL about what it is. Because just like he made you that way…..YOU LET HIM STAY THAT WAY!

Hope this helps…

Michael D.